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May Birthstone


The birthstone for May is emerald, which is a great option. Its beautiful greens reflect the beauty of spring. The geological conditions required to create the prized May birthstone are rare on Earth. Find more about the origins of emeralds and the fascinating places where they may be found.

The May birthstone, emerald, has long been adored because it symbolises rejuvenation and rebirth. Emerald is the ideal colour for spring and is frequently referred to as the definition of green. The May birthstone emerald has captivated people’s hearts and minds throughout history, from the poetic description of Ireland as “the Emerald Isle” to the vivid green of the famous gemstone itself.

Variations of this calming, lush green colour conjure up gardens. Emeralds were originally thought to be able to treat conditions like cholera and malaria, and legend has it that wearing one can increase one’s intelligence and quickness. It is now the traditional gift for a couple’s 20th and 35th wedding anniversary.

Meaning & History

Emerald has charmed royalty for centuries, from Inca rulers to Egyptian pharaohs. Emerald was a gemstone that Cleopatra was known to love and frequently used in her royal jewellery. One illustration of how the Spanish cherished the May birthstone is the fabled Crown of the Andes, created in colonial South America. Legend has it that conquistador Francisco Pizarro stole the greatest stone, now known as the Atahualpa emerald, from the final Inca ruler, Atahualpa. The gold and emerald artefacts found in the wreckage of the Spanish galleon Nuestra Seora de Atocha, which went down in the 17th century, are just a small portion of the colonial treasures that were brought to Spain from the New World.


The name “emerald” derives from the Greek word smaragdos, which meant a green gem. In his encyclopaedic Natural History, the Roman author Pliny the Elder, who perished in the Mt. Vesuvius explosion in 79 CE, stated that “nothing greens greener.” He added that the May birthstone’s healing qualities were beneficial to gem cutters, saying that “(they) have no better method of restoring their eyes than by looking at the emerald, its soft, green colour comforting and removing their weariness and lassitude.” Green eases tension and eye strain, according to recent scientific research.

It was often believed that the green birthstone had mystical properties. One might glimpse into the future by putting it under the tongue. Some thought it helped one communicate persuasively and exposed lovers who made untrue promises.

Emerald Source

Since more than 500 years ago, Colombia has produced the best emeralds, and Colombian emeralds are the gold standard by which all others are compared. Muzo, Chivor, and Coscuez are three notable mining locations in Colombia. While each location generates a variety of hues, Muzo is typically where you may get pure green emeralds in their darker tones. Chivor is connected with lighter-toned, somewhat bluish-green emeralds. In Coscuez, emeralds with a faintly yellowish green hue are discovered.

Brazil’s Minas Gerais state is home to the May birthstone as well. The sophisticated Belmont mine is one among the most fruitful locations for the green birthstone. Another significant location is Capoeirana, a rough area dominated by small-scale businesses and independent miners.

African countries are also home to the May birthstone. A significant supplier is Zambia, whose mines in the Ndola Rural Restricted Area are renowned for producing emeralds with bluish undertones. Afghanistan and Pakistan are both significant producers.


Care & Cleaning

Emerald is more prone to scratching than a diamond, which is 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness since it is between 7.5 and 8. The birthstone for May is frequently treated to enhance its clarity or colour. Typical forms of treatment include:

1. Dyeing: To improve the colour of paler, more fractured emeralds, green dye may be applied.
2. Surface-reaching fissures in emeralds are frequently filled with oils, waxes, and synthetic resins. The objective is to increase apparent clarity while reducing fracture visibility. The amount of filler material might be modest to large, and the stability of the various materials varies.

Avoid exposure to heat, sudden fluctuations in air pressure (such those seen in an aeroplane cabin), and harsh chemicals when caring for the emerald birthstone. Never place an emerald in an ultrasonic cleaner because the heat and vibrations could cause the filler in the fractures to sweat out. Additionally, being exposed to hot water used for dishwashing might harm filled emeralds. Cleaning emeralds with a gentle brush and warm, soapy water is the most secure method.

The celebration of life that is bursting forth all around us is well matched to the birthstone for May. We were bound to fall under its spell given the deep green tones of emerald. All those who love green or were born in May will continue to be captivated thanks to the world’s productive mines. You may now reward yourself or a loved one to an emerald that perfectly encapsulates the energy of the moment.

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